May 29, 2011

Plum Pie with Streusel

For some German recipes it's inevitable to have some sourly tasting fruits.

To find them somewhere is really a big challange.

I was so glad when I got some little plums at FTC. One portion I used for the mango jam and the other portion was just enough to bake a plum-pie with streusel (I was surprised to learn that this word is used in the English language as well).

Thanks for being interested in my blog - the kitchen fairy.

May 26, 2011

Jam-Session ;)

It's "Mango-Time" in Belize.

You can get the most delicious, tasty and yummy mangos at the market... and of course at our friends place.
They have a huge mango tree and asked me if I wanted to have some.
In this case "some" meant a huge bucket full of mangos.

Because we couldn't eat them all I made jam.

I combined one portion with the lychees...

...and another with little plums.

And tomorrow I gonna make mango chutney.

Thanks for being interested in my blog - the kitchen fairy.

May 23, 2011

Cherry Pie

..covered with caramelized slices of almonds.

This is a recipe I got from my mother.
I love this cake because it's very sappy.

Unfortunately I could not get cherry brandy and morello cherries. But I tried a piece.... and I think I'll have another one... or two... or three ;)

Thanks for being interested in my blog - the kitchen fairy.

May 21, 2011

Lychee (Litschi)

I got fresh lychees today at the market.

While I tried to figure out, what I could do with them... Mr. Fab eat most of theese little delicous fruits.

So I have enough time to check the internet for recipes until I get some new lychees.

Thanks for being interested in my blog - the kitchen fairy.

May 16, 2011


The word "choo" is Kreol and means "to chew"... and this is what you have to do with this pastry.

I put in 400 gram of nuts. It's a mixture of pecan nuts, walnuts and almonds. Instead of apricot jam I made them with papaya-mango-jam.

The combination of the tartish fruits with the nuts and the bittersweet chocolate is delicious.

Thanks for being interested in my blog - the kitchen fairy.

May 08, 2011

Mango Meringue Pie

I'm always glad when I find a recipe where I can use local ingredients.

Today I baked a Mango Meringue Pie. It's incredible how much better the mangos in Belize taste.

I knew the taste of mangos I bought in Germany - but you can't compare this to the fruits you can get here.

Thanks for being interested in my blog - the kitchen fairy.

May 02, 2011

German Cheese Cake

.. but I should better call this cake a "Belizian style substitute cake".

A lot of the ingredients I could not get here so I had to be creative and experiment with the stuff I could get here.So... instead of quark I mixed Ricotta with Mascarpone (I was glad that I got this in Belize City).

It was also not possible to get semolina here - so I replaced it with white corn flour and instead of apricot jam I used pinaple jam.

Thanks for being interested in my blog - the kitchen fairy.