This evening we had Mozarella Cheese - I got the tomatoes and fresh basil here at the market.
To complete this Italian dish, I baked a crispy ciabatta bread.
Thanks for being interested in my blog - the kitchen fairy.
Yesterday I was really successful in Belize City.
I got lots of little delicacies... including a small package of hazelnuts.
The price for it was off the roof. I had to pay almost $9.00 for 2 1/2 cups (€ 6,10 for 280 gram).
So I used them for a special, delicous, scrumptious, yummy... nut bun with a touch of cinnamon.
I know, it's a little bit trite, but for Easter I had to bake a carrot cake.
I decorated the cake with self-made marzipan carrots. (Can you imagine, how difficult it is to handle marzipan when it has almost 100 °F ?)
Usually I use a recipy from an American cookbook. Unfortunately it's still hidden in the container and so I used a different recipy. My original carrot cake is a little more fluffy.
To be honest - I'm not sure if I will bake them again because the consistency of the baked corn flakes is a little tough.
with hazelnuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds.
This healthy bread is vitamin-packed and fiber-rich.
Hazelnuts are rich in protein and unsaturated fat. Moreover, they contain significant amounts of thiamine and vitamin B6, as well as smaller amounts of other B vitamins. They are rich in vitamin E.
Pumpkin seeds are also good sources of protein, and the essential minerals iron as well as zinc, and magnesium.
Sunflower seeds are also an excellent source of dietary fiber, some amino acids, Vitamin E, B Vitamins. Additionally, they are rich in cholesterol-lowering phytosterols.
Together with the rye flour you can be sure that this bread is perfect for a healthy start in the day.
I saw the recipe last week at another food blog. The cake looked so sappy and delicous that I decided to bake this cake for our Monday Club.
Unfortunately the writer of the blog used American measurements as well as German and I mixed up the amount of pecan nuts.
Instead of a cup (240 ml) I took 240 gram - almost double the amount.
But this is no problem because I love the taste of these nuts.
This is something typical German.
A light biscuit cake base with fruits on top.
Because my original baking pan is still hidden somewhere in the depth of our container, I used a springform pan and doubled the amount of dough. After baking the cake base I scooped it out in the middle and put the fruits on top.
So I created the Dark Oat Bread with oat flakes, whole wheat flour and my secret bread-spice-mix.
Yesterday I baked four of these breads.